Thursday, 10 November 2016

Priesthood: A Lifetime Race………………Call a Priest Today

My darling husband have you noticed our son lately? His involvement in God, church and daily attitude towards his friends even unto us his parents? Oh! I love my son and if he continues this way in no time I will send him to the seminary because that is where I believe his talents are taking him to -priesthood. So I ask is priesthood a talent?

Wifey, I don’t think Luke has what it takes to be a priest obviously he is only but a child and still growing why the rush? Regardless, if priesthood is what he wants there will be a sign but for now I’d suggest we let him grow and keep our fingers crossed. Surely the life of a priest is not all rosy, fascinating and full with Disney memories but it is infused with prayers, dedication, and determination not to mention celibacy. Wow that word “celibacy”.

Africans cannot bear take that path especially when he is the only heir. Imagine my son not getting married been childless all his life. That hurts. It is not my portion but then it’s no more news because what will be will be (Que Sera) and whom God has chosen automatically becomes his there is no two ways about it.

Why write about priest? I decided to today because I have gotten series of questions like that fine guy look at him all fresh and he decided to embark on the journey of priesthood? How do they cope…..obviously they are all pretenders?  Their parents how often do they visit them? Do they adopt the name Jesus Christ as their surname? Their feelings how can they tame it? Ladies? And so on I can only but imagine the questions that are going on in your minds right now.

Priesthood is not an easy task I mean these guys as some of you put it studied for years max ten or more depending on the huddles and challenges they encounter. You do biblically know that priesthood has been in existence right from the Old Testament until Jesus took charge of it. Correcting the flaws of the Old Testament flaws yes because the New Testament teachings on priesthood are meager, but crucial to Christian faith. Jesus was not sociologically a priest in the Jewish society that he lived. He appears in the gospel as non-clerical, even as a somewhat anti-clerical figure. He does not belong to a priestly family. In goal, and power, the priesthood of Jesus turns cult into reality and then brings that human and divine reality in word and life to the human race.  Categorically, he states who is a priest that is why among the writings in of the New Testament, the letter to the Hebrews speaks theologically of Jesus Christ as the high priesthood who not only instituted the Christian priesthood, but also is believed to have realized the model of priesthood in his own death on the cross. Therein, priesthood is portrayed as acquiring new dimensions in Jesus Christ.

So The Roman Catholic priest what brought about the “celibacy” because I have seen priest but they all family men. Interestingly, the church is base “Bible and tradition” while there is an essential element of priesthood that is upheld as permanent, the church has manifested a keen commitment to adapt it to every era and circumstances of life.

Celibacy began in the early church as an ascetic discipline, rooted partly in a neo- Platonic contempt for the physical world that had nothing to do with the Gospel. The renunciation of sexual expression by men fit nicely with a patriarchal denigration of women. Non virginal women, typified by Eve as the temptress of Adam, were sin as a source of sin. In scripture: Jesus said to the Pharisees, “and I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, excerpt for unchastity, and marries another commits adultery.” But he said to them, “not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are enuchs who have been so from birth, there are enuchs who have been made enuchs by others, and there are enuchs who have made themselves enuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this that can.” Mattew 19: 3-12. Jesus advocates for optional celibacy. For nearly 2000 years the Catholic Church has proclaimed church laws and doctrines intended to more clearly explain the teachings of Christ. But remarkably, while history reveals that Jesus selected only married men to serve as apostles, the church today forbids priestly marriage. Also, today the Catholic Church is the only Christian denomination experiencing worldwide condemnation from “scandalous” allegations of sex abuse committed against women and children by priests and bishops.

Historically, scandals similar to these are known to have appeared only after mandatory celibacy laws were first instituted, centuries after Christ.

More so, the role priest plays are tasking, not to mention leaving solo. People fail to realize that there is an added advantage in having a priest like gathering the laity, acting as a a spiritual leader to the lay faithful- instructing and counseling them, taking into consideration about others more than themselves, in the face of temptation they still remain unshaken with their undoubted faith, even in death he is still comported looking unto his maker. These are only but a few but priestly duties are tasking and lots of care, attention, prayers should be offered for them.

Although the journey is narrow, societal ills are bound to occur but like them saying it takes the grace of God to overcome when that day comes. Evidently, priests are also humans. They have blood flowing in them, they feed, they wail but who genuinely is their strength, they say is their father in heaven. Meanwhile the people have worthy roles to input in their lives.So I end my write up with why not call and pray for a priest today.

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